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Old Wed Jun 13, 2001, 11:42am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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My first one ever! Which is sort of like bragging that I finally learned to walk -- it's fun at first, but I'm sure to you-all it's old hat. It was easy and automatic and I didn't even realize what an historic moment it was until later. The coach complained, of course, but it was JV, and I went over and told him, "Coach for a kid at this level to actually pull it off is a credit!" He got that "Oh, yea...." look and shut up about it. I felt like it made my week!!

Same game, we called SIX PC fouls, five on the same team, and the game right before, we called five, and they were all good calls. And we passed on several borderline flops. It was VERY AGGRESSIVE basketball!!

Mark, Howard showed up unexpectedly, too. Wow did it surprise me!!! But afterwards, he said, "that was a tough game and you managed it very well." I've been told that a compliment from Howard is high praise indeed, so I'm floating today!! The only criticisms he had were "minor" mechanics things which of course I chalk up to "summer-arm-osis". He told me I have improved a lot since February when he evaluated me rather harshly, and that he had heard several reports on me that were very good. I'm definitely feelin' good!!! (perhaps this explains all the exclamation points in this post...)
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