Thread: I'm back
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Old Thu Feb 17, 2005, 04:08pm
A Pennsylvania Coach A Pennsylvania Coach is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 690
Thanks for all the replies. I assumed it'd be pretty easy to get the "suspension" corrected but I was in the process of getting right back into coaching. I think it was a pretty good detour for me--I picked up a little extra money in the summer and got some perspective. Now if I could get some of you to take a year on the bench, maybe that howler monkey term would disappear!

Poker is the first thing I've ever found where it's cool to be good at math. I'm not ready to become a pro (don't think I ever would, unless I became independently wealthy via some other avenue) but I did make more last year playing poker than I made coaching. Without risking more than discretionary income, I've worked my way up to winning a fair sum monthly both online and in Atlantic City. My friends were worried about me at first; now I've gotten most of them addicted. Much like the coaches (and a few officials) that think they know it all without ever picking up a (rule) book, there are an awful lot of players who think it's all luck, or do what they see on TV. There is a lot of good poker literature out there, plus a couple good internet forums, and a bright person who puts a little time into it can become a winning player in no time.
Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.
-- John Wooden
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