Originally posted by FrankHtown
4.15.4 D (a) describes A1, while dribbling, batting the ball over the head of an opponent, runs around the opponent, and bats the ball to the floor, and continues to dribble. Ruling: It is a violation to touch the ball twice during a dribble, before it touched the floor.
I would think if she touched it with both hands, before it touched the floor, AND continued a dribble, it would be a violation.
The confusing part (to me, at least), is the rule specifically states simultaneous touching by both hands during the dribble, while the case play does just say "touch the ball twice". But I think the main issue is control - during a dribble the player has control. In your case play, the dribbler controls the ball by batting it over the defender's head and continuing on. However, in the sitch here, it says the player lost control (muffed it; interrupted dribble), so if the player does not have control they cannot violate. For the same reasoning the player cannot be called for a player-control foul as well during the interrupted dribble. The violation occurs when the player dribbles (control), ends the dribble (control), then dribbles again (control).