Originally posted by stretch
OK, Rainmaker is making sense on all parts. I like his approach. If both go "more-or-less" straight up, but there is a distinct difference in heigth, do we apply the same logic? By the book, yes. In application, I'm not so sure. That's really all I was trying to get across to Chuck. Perhaps when it's crowded, it's a little harder to look both up and down? Trust me, I'm a lot harder on myself. Allow a guy who is just learning a little wisom of the ages rather than tell him he know nothing.
Just for the record, rainmaker is female. I've done a certain amount of boys, though, and I know the kind of difficulty you're talking about. In general, it a''ears to me that the tall player gets away with less, because it's easier for him (or her) to displace the smaller player, and that kind of contact is more apparent to the ref. I bet, though, if you go back and watch some D1 ball with this new thinking in mind, you'll see that I'm right about displacement. Especially if you look at the play from the same angle as the ref. Being short is certainly not illegal, but it does make basketball more difficult.