Originally posted by Mark Padgett
I'm usually the one who refers to FIBA as FEEBLE. My typical ugly American bias is for some international (or worse - Euro) self-appointed governing body with the audacity to think they know better how the strictly American game of basketball (actually, invented by a Canadian working in the US) should be played.
Mark, as an Australian referee that uses FEEBLE rules, I have a couple of points. Firstly I have no problem with different competitions having different rules. Obiously the NBA is more about entertainment than basketball. Equally, the Olympics (and World Championships) is about equality and playing to a set of rules that are the same all around the world. I think it is interesting to note that FIBA and NBA (I can't speak for NF or NCAA) rules seem to be slowly gravitating towards each other and forming a compromise.
However, I do have a problem with this concept that because an American (or a Canadian working in the USA) developed the original game, then no other country or nationality can have any input as to the way the
modern game is played. According to that argument shouldn't all American car manufacturers be banned from modifying the way an engine works as the original was developed in Europe? And shouldn't we still be playing according to Naismith's original 13 rules?
Let's face it, basketball is a global game, that is part of what makes it great. There are more non-americans than Americans playing the game. Even at the elite level (NBA) there is an ever increasing number of non_americans playing (and excelling) so to say that basketball is a strictly American sport is conceited and blantently incorrect.
To those of you that have stated that the Olympics is not considered the pinnicle of basketball in America, I can understand your viewpoint, and you are entitled to your opinion. However, even Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan have stated that winning Olympic gold was the highlight of their career as it shows that they are truely the best in the world. Why not listen to those that have succeeded in every aspect of basketball, and indeed life?
Phew...now that I have that off my chest, I look forward to the can of worms that I have opened here!