One man's arrogance is another man's confidence. I know I'm sticking my neck out here, but I'm going to have to agree with JRut. There is nothing in the rules that allows or demands a warm-up period after a delay. I believe that's his rational. So as an official, we must be confident in our rules knowledge, and get the game going as soon as possible. Remember, he did say he could be convinced otherwise, so I don't think he's opposed to it ever happening, just not as a regular occurance. We certainly wouldn't allow a warm-up period for the guy that comes in at the end of the game - after all, he's been sitting there for a longer time doing nothing. I sure hope we aren't out there telling a team that they HAVE to warm up at the end of halftime so we don't get sued. Don't get caught up in non game-related issues. We need to have the confidence to run the game as it was intended.