I prefer the dish. Don't mind the bases. In fact in a game that features two great pitchers and will have very few base runners I might prefer the bases because I know that EVERY call I make is crucial...and I'd just as soon have the best umpire on the field (confidence, not ego, on my end) make the call

Had my first outing of the season Sunday here in metro Seattle area...no rain! Yippee! But it was colder than a welldigger. The wind reminded me of being back in TX...yuck...but finally got enough clothes on.
Highlight of the day. One of our new umpires went out to the circle because she saw the pitcher reaching into her warmup top and put her hand on something "contraband." Newbie said she thought it might be a rosin bag or something. It wasn't. It was a handwarmer. Newbie (thank goodness) let her continue. If it was me, I woulda told the pitcher to share or else she'd have to give it to me