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Old Mon Feb 14, 2005, 01:07pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,538

I think you are really overstating it a bit. We are not like cops. Cops can make decisions that affect life or death. We also rip a lot of fellow officials on this site all the time when it comes to many issues. Your interactions with not only officials can affect you, but so can what you do with coaches, fans and the school administration you have to deal with. I think there are those that come from situations that it would be a bad thing to speak up. Well the area that this place took place is not like that. There is no one association that has that much power. There is not one person that has that much power to ruin anyone's career here. And not too many folks are going to have a fit over what happens at a lower level game in the first place. I really think most people have overreacted and are bringing in their own local politics to this discussion when they would not apply here. Our state office assigns playoff games, not a local association. Conferences hire an assignor to assign their officials and are fired if they do not satisfy the wants of the principals and ADs. Speaking out about a single lower level veteran is not going to eliminate all possibilities of working in the future. It just comes down to how you do it.

I worked a game at a tournament a few years ago and saw a veteran working in a pair of black jeans for officiating pants. I found out that many officials had little or no respect for this guy and others felt the same way I did about this "veteran." My career has been nothing but spectacular since. Get the picture.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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