Hmm, look at NF 1.12.1.d:
The circumference shall be:
1. Within a minumum of 29 1/2 inches to a maximum of 30
inches for high school boys competition.
2. Within a minumum of 28 1/2 inches to a maximum of 29
inches for high school girls competition.
I've always heard the larger ball referred to as 29.5
During an AAU tourney a few weeks ago Coach B, down by a
few at the end of the game, is yelling "foul him! foul
him! foul him!!!!" B1 finally fouls A1 with a big swipe
across the arms & I call intentional. Coach B is besides
himself, "how could you call that, he went for the ball",
all that kind of stuff. While A1 was shooting his 2 I
calmly explained to the coach that I thought by now
any decent coach knows that "foul him!" means an automatic
intentional which is why all the really good coaches I
know use a code word, like "red!" or "fist!" to avoid
the intentional. He got that George W look on his face &
we finished the game.