It never fails....Coaches always trying to get an edge with the officials! Especially if they feel they are getting the short end of the calls.
Through the years, a veteran official who took me under his wing when I started some 30+ years ago said...."Whenever they try to get that edge and bend your ear their way by complaining how the other team is doing this or that, stop the discussion by saying....'whoa, just a second and hold those thoughts....let me get the other coach and YOU tell him/her what your problem with their team/player(s) is!'" Funny how quickly the coach responds to you, before you ask the other coach to join in on the conversation....that it's not a problem anymore. It WORKS! Everytime I have had to resort to this immediatly quells the situation and the complaining coach feels like a "dork".
Just my 2-cents....
"All our calls are good calls...."
"...Some of them are better than others!"