Did six games yesterday and boy are my arms tired.
Anyway, one of the things I heard many times yesterday from different coaches was "That's reaching in!" (which seems to rank second to "That's over the back!" in frequency).
Now, I know my brothers and sisters here will give me the straight story, but I was taught that the "reach" is a misnomer - it can be a hold if the defensive player impedes the progress of the offensive player, but if the arm goes in towards the ball, the offensive player continues unimpeded and the arm either continues along with the offensive player or drops, it's not a hold. Yet you'll hear coaches call for the reach all the time. Have I been correctly taught? That the simple act of "reaching in" to the offensive player's torso space isn't a foul unless it impedes their progress?
Along those lines, I was also taught there's no "over the back" strictly speaking - it can be a push from behind, but just going over the top of someone to get a ball may not be a foul (I've seen it where there's no contact, or negligible contact) - the simple act of jumping higher and reaching over the top of the other player's space isn't necessarily a foul (and as far as I know there isn't an "over the back" mechanic or a foul with that name, correct?).
One last thing - had a coach yell at me because I didn't call an illegal pick for a screen set behind a player - the player being screened had the screener on her back. Illegal?
Yes, I'm going to read the rulebook, I just like hearing it in plain English from the folks here. Thanks.
"And I'm not just some fan, I've refereed football and basketball in addition to all the baseball I've umpired. I've never made a call that horrible in my life in any sport."---Greatest. Official. Ever.