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Old Fri Jun 08, 2001, 04:39pm
grizzlierbear grizzlierbear is offline
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Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 13
Talking The line is fine,medium and bold

Absolutely nothing is more lethal to young referees' discouragement and abandonment from the game than the dissent and abuse originating from the TouchLine.

How about the 4 Rs a well as the 3 Ps
(I apologize for the length of my response I am long winded)

There should be no problems at the youth level of stopping play to deal with abuse or informing the coach you will hold him or her responsible for the behavour surrounding his bench. At a house level or even some select play, this approach is quite workable but as the level of play escalates into leaque championships, provincial playdowns, advancement or relegation of the adult premieres leaque. When crowds go from tens to hundreds to thousands, enormous pressure is exerted as the weight of competition takes its toll on the referee.
Big difference in managing a group of u-10 kids out for a kickabout as opposed to a select senior high school on its way to the nationals or the advancement of a country in the World Cup. It is a true measure of integrity and courage to officiate effectively under tension and inquisition by your peers, players, coaches, spectators and politically correct agendas be it world-wide, country-wide, state-wide, town-wide or pitch-wide.
(1) Dissent is Reactional. People will instinctively disagree with you 50% of the time.
Consider the referee from a political point of view, as a King or Queen with the field of play representing a country. Order or chaos will reign depending on the army's (players and coaches) and subjects (fans and parents) acceptance of his/her rule.
If those that play, coach, or watch the game would accept zero tolerance for abusive or spiteful behaviour (as a principle of Fairplay!) it would be easier albeit not without controversy to manage conduct on or off the field.
Referee ingredients are a collection of intangibles. A salty personality with spicy character traits, add a level of fitness and a helping of positioning, provide a liberal sprinkling of judgement, a dash of common sense, mix together thoroughly and an opinion is formed. In the opinion of a player, coach, fan or a spectator whether a referee has the right mixture will represent whether the fork of dissent is stuck in to see if he is done.
Referees are accorded a certain stature, but respect is an earned quality… not demanded! Game management is an art form in as much as it is the application of the rules. Conduct and adherence to your principles will eventually determine whether you are accorded respect in the opinion of others.
Those who criticise referees are not necessarily incorrect in their assessments whether a referee has done a good job only in understanding the application of respect and fairplay extends to all aspects of the game including officials
(2) Is the dissent Reasonable? As in most political arenas, dissenters will never be totally satisfied with the government or its representatives. Whether legitimate opinion or terrorist activities arise depends on the application or perhaps non-application of the referee's policies. Tolerance does not mean you ignore the dissent but evaluate the circumstances correctly.
Speaking as a coach my primary concern is always for the safety of players. Inexperienced or young referee who exhibits poor foul recognition or the non use of cautions and ejection's when warranted, yet in the same breath whistle the most extraneous violation for a poor throw, call every handball, and the offside is either never called or always called is torture for those who walk the Touch Lines. Recognising the referee needs to learn, does not make a parent, spectator or coach immune from calling out if their child or team is hurt or threatened in some way.
(3) Does all dissent require Response? For each individual to feel whole and be given dignity there must be policy and directives in place to properly handle the dissent and abuse when it arises on or off the pitch. Is everyone on the same side when you agree to disagree? For the good of the game and the benefit of our children, can you actually enforce what is agreed upon? Sometimes, the law is the law and enough is enough. To prevent chaos and retain an orderly society a referee is obligated by the principles of fairplay and integrity to discipline or remove those unwilling to accept the premise. "Let's agree to disagree." Many of these confrontational individuals have strong influence and forceful personalities and are difficult, even unpleasant to deal with. It takes a strong willed association with plenty of guts to effectively deal with serious abuse.
(4) Is your reaction to the dissent Rational? Are you a benevolent dictator or a royal despot? Are you the wise Solomon dispensing even handed justice with swift certainty? Do you find yourself declaring martial law when a simple orderly demonstration is taking place? While some civil disobedience is to be expected, the burden of following the law must be fairly shouldered by the conduct of players, parents, fans and coaches.
Our conduct as a referee is the focal point whether dissent is forever Repeatable.
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