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Old Thu Feb 10, 2005, 11:32pm
PSU213 PSU213 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 522
I find their is a real qualitative difference between the player who mutters, "damn, my knee" while on the field waiting for the trainers and a player who calls an opposing player an "MF SOB."

You can have a 'zero tolerance' policy for swearing, but while one is worthy of 15 yards, I don't find the other one is. I would be tempted to say to a fellow official "you have your own standard, go by that," but on the other hand I think it would be unfair if I let some profanity go, but the BJ throws a flag when a player quitely says "damn" after he drops a pass. Then again, I don't see anyway to make our system consistent. While our association may come up with one standard, what may be OK here, may be a flag in Cleveland, and what is OK there might be penalized in Arizona.
If the play is designed to fool someone, make sure you aren't the fool.
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