Thu Feb 10, 2005, 02:32pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
Location: In the offseason.
Posts: 12,263
Originally posted by rockyroad
I seem to remember a rule change either last year or beginning of this season, that said that a foul by the defense away from the ball while the shooter was "in the act" we still counted the basket...IOW: A3 pulls up to shoot a jumper. While in the air, but not released yet, B5 shoves A5...whistle, shot, shot goes, we count it and assess whatever penalty for B5's foul...
Am I remembering correctly? If so, where is it in the book? If not, then whatinthehell is wrong with my brain? (JR and Dan, you two can't answer that last question)
Well, you're remembering the correct rulling. However, it was not a rule change. It was a clarification that this was the rule all along.
It's rule 6-7 Exception 3
The ball does not become dead until the try or tap ends when... A foul is committed by an opponent of a player who has started a try or tap for goal (is in the act of shooting) before the foul occurred...