B5 is guarding A5 (post player) who is on the weak side of the key. A5 attempts to cross the key and establish good post position on the strong side. B5 effectively attempts to "block" A5 from crossing the key by assuming position in front of A5 where ever he attempts to move to. Minimal contact is made between the two players until A5 becomes frustrated and attempts to push B5 to the side.
Is the "body checking" or "blocking out" legal by B5?
Does it matter if B5 is facing A5 or can he perform this same defensive maneuver with a "back screen"?
My assumption is that this procedure is correct in both instances assuming that B5 is not physically holding A5. I would think this same type of defense is analogous to a legal block out position/movement in a rebound situation.
Am I correct?