During the past girls basketball season, I made a bad decision in responding to a player from the visiting, and then proceeded to compound the problem, by denying what I said to other officials and to the crew it involved.
Make a long story short, I ended up being dropped from that particular crew, and also had schools ask other crews not to bring me to their schools once they heard about the situation and problems that I caused.
I personally feel that each situation needs to be handled differently based on the circumstances of each situation and the people involved in each situation. For me, I had to write an apology letter to both schools, both basketball teams involved, the officiating crew involved, and also had to accept any and all association penalties as well.
My particular association did not take any further action, because of the way I handled rectifying the situation I found myself in. They felt that the crew involved, schools, teams, and individual players involved were pleased enough with what I did, that the association felt no further action was needed.
Since, then I have been allowed to come to the schools and I am working again with the crew involved as well.