Some time ago I saw in the Forum a discussion on the use of profanity and one of the writers said the state association in Florida was cracking down more strictly on this foul. I believe that I am at odds with some of my fellow officials in that I think profanity must be called whenever it is heard regardless of who it is directed to or if it is in the huddle or where. If I can hear it, it is a foul.
Iey think that some would say that there are exceptions. I agree only if a player is in pain due to an injury and I have called a time out for him to receive assistance.
My thinking is that if I make exceptions, such as when a team is in the huddle, and I can hear what is said the other team can hear it too and if I call a foul on them and not on the team in the huddle, they will assume that I am not inforcing the rule equitably.
I have a meeting with the association on Saturday. They are arguing that the ejection for a second profanity call should not be. I have already agreed to violate the rule and give each team one warnning before I step off a penality.
I'd like to hear from someone in FL to see how did they inforce the rule there and what do the rest of you think.