Originally posted by Hawks Coach
The officials that I think call a pretty good game tend to adjust to these partners, ....
Hawks Coach,
When I started doing this thing, I had different partners every game, and since I was trying to learn the ropes and trying to "be consistant with my partner", my game had no identity.
The way I called a game was the way I perceived my varying partners were calling a game, so my game was all over the place.
It wasn't until I determined to call "my game", in accordance with "my understanding" of the rules, that my game became an expected commodity.
I found that I could work with good officials very comfortably, when I was solid in my task that I would not call "my partners game". My game is becoming a good official's game.
I will not reach to carry a weak partner, but I may reach to help out a good partner, as I hope they will reach out to bail me out of a bad place.
Now..., before, during, and after most games, we discuss who, what, where, and why in an effort to homogenize the product by verification and clarification.