Originally posted by scottk_61
Ok, this is new information to me.
This senario was brought up last year with members of the casebook committee and their interp at that time was NO OBS.
Rules change, interps change, life goes on.
Thanks Serg
Actually, I think I was sitting next to Serg at this breakout session.
Remember, if the runner is no longer attempting to reach the base, it is nothing as long as the defender had the ball (in this specific case) upon contact with the runner. If there is subsequent action after the defender loses the ball, obstruction is the call. If the fielder has the ball and loses it, the fielder cannot obstruct the runner attempting to reach the base.
Stop right there, Tom, I can hear you thinking. Obviously, if the defender is laying on top of the runner without the ball, it is going to be obstruction as the runner isn't even in a position to attempt to touch the base at that point.