Originally posted by VaASAump
Originally posted by scottk_61
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Unless the runner laid there dormant without so much as a reach of the finger to touch the plate, it is obstruction. If the catcher loss CONTROL of the ball at any time while any part of the runner's body was moving in a direction toward the base, it is obstruction.
Mike, I disagree based on a number of things but most of all because your view violates the purpose and intent of the rule.
Secondly I disagree because members of the casebook committee of the NUS said so.
Maybe you should check with them to get a clarification.
Okay, here's my "For What It's Worth".
According to NUS (Natinal Umpire Staff - ASA), this would be obstruction. Rule is clear; the defensive player must have possession and control of the ball. Otherwise, it is obstruction. Oh yeah, at the recently concluded National UIC Clinic, this exact scenario was discussed by the NUS staff. And the same result - obstruction should be ruled.
Ok, this is new information to me.
This senario was brought up last year with members of the casebook committee and their interp at that time was NO OBS.
Rules change, interps change, life goes on.
Thanks Serg