Thread: Coach to Coach
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Old Tue Jun 05, 2001, 08:26am
donfowler donfowler is offline
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Posts: 70
Never had this situation. Have had some coaches who just plain hated eachother, but nothing said during the game.

How would I handle??? Quick thoughts are:
If it was one coach doing all the talking I would tell him he was distracting from the game and ask him to stop. If it was the winning coach (with a large margin) he would get a quick warning to stop. Know what the technical is for before you blow the whistle!!!
If both coaches were going at it I would get them together at the table on the first avialable dead ball and tell them "ENOUGH!!"
In North Carolina a POE has been good sportsmanship from players, fans, and coaches so I would use this in my talk to HS and lower coahes.
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