Originally posted by Jim Porter
Nonetheless, let's examine your addition of the word "legal" in there. For, what's illegal about a preliminary motion before coming set? Nothing! So, a pitcher in contact is indeed in a legal position. That doesn't change the interpretation one iota! The pitcher would still drop the ball while in contact with the rubber - that's a balk. That's what the rule says, and that's what JEA says.
If Jim Booth supported what you are saying here, then Jim Booth is wrong, too. He might be a good rules guy, but he certainly would've blown that one!
Jim, i can't quote the whole book, I do try to quote the pertinant material though.
This whole discussion seems to revolve around Legal Pitching Position and Preliminary Motions. Windup vs windup stance and set vs set stance, there is a difference.
Preliminary motions are not illegal but they are not legal pitching positions. There are only two legal pitching positions, windup and set.
The OBR is pretty clear on Legal Pitching positions in 8.01, 8.01(a) and 8.01(b). Jim Evans, likewise, makes them pretty clear in the corresponding sections as well as others including 8.01(d) and 8.01(k).
All I am saying is that Jim Evans says nothing about Preliminary Motions when he cites a dropped ball.
He does though, cite Legal Pitching Position twice and Position once. I take Position to mean Legal Pitching Position. That is why I interpreted it to mean Legal. You take it to mean Preliminary Motion. If you don't add to it it has no meaning. I'll stick with my position. g.