Mon Feb 07, 2005, 10:14am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 14,616
Originally posted by ChrisSportsFan
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by shont
IT was at the end of the game. I don't appreciate you trying to blame the coaches poor sportsmanship on me either!
It makes no difference whether it's the end of the game or not. Your jurisdiction does not end until you leave the "visual confines of the playing area." The purpose of this rule is to allow you to handle situations such as this. Do you not realize this rule exists?
You and your partner(s) should have immediately stopped, went to the scorer and told him/her to record that the head coach had received a flagrant technical foul and is ejected. Then, you file a report with your assignor/state association or whoever and document the coach's behavior.
You can be offended all you want but if you're good enough to accept a varsity assignment, you should know what to do in a situation such as this.
I'm paraphrasing BktBallRef; what you permit, you promote.
Thank you Chris. You said it so much nicer than I did. I'll have to work on that!