Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by TheRefinator
So you are saying that it is o.k. in your state for a father to officiate his sons JV/Middle School game in any of those sports?
He's saying that his state, like many others, doesn't address situations at any level other than varsity.
That's correct. Varsity is the only level that the state office is concerned about.
The officials association can put stricter limitations on it, if they so desire, but what I gave is the minimum that is required.
Could a father work his son's JV game? Yes. Would he? Probably not. He always has the option to black out that school himself.
Many teachers do the Fr and JV games at their respective schools though because they are often played in the early afternoon and teaching is one of the few professions that has those hours available. Travel is also a concern and those people are right there already. So at the lower levels it just makes sense.