Originally posted by Rar
bktball ref I just hear a lot of ego in your statements. "He had a job to do and didn't do it." WHen you make mistakes on the court in a game, you failed in your job as well by that standard. Every time you make a mistake, like that one about you yelling/tauning at a coach recently, you fail your job. Point? That language you use is harsh and stupid and egotistical. Still...i'm not trying to offend you .
We aren't talking about making a judgment on a foul or deciding if a player traveled. We're talking about a very black and white issue. A coach throws f-bombs at you. He's history. It doesn't matter when he does it, as long as you have jurisdiction.
Yes, I realize I made a mistake and failed to properly do my job in the incident with the coach. That's why I apologized to the coach and then wrote my confessional here. I can admit when I make a mistake. Can you? Can Shont?
So, if you want disagree with the manner in which I addressed Shont, be my guest. You're entitled to your opinion. But have the 'nads to say what you mean, rather then coming up with this "contradiction" crap. If I'm contradicting myself, then I guess the NFHS rule book does as well. BTW, since we're being honest and not trying about offending anyone, it's pretty stupid that you think my statements are contradictory. Most anyone with a brain wouldn't have to have it explained to them.