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Old Sat Feb 05, 2005, 01:38pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Re: This Happen To Me...

Originally posted by Just Curious
Sounds like something out of an Outdoor Life magazine, huh? Anyway, California about 11 years ago.... My partner makes a call on a player that stepped on the OOB line. The coach comes onto the court to complain and I "T'd" him. He turned to me and said "F*** you" right in front of his bench and loud enough that most of his fan section heard him. I calmly gave him his 2nd "T" and told him that he could wait outside for the game to end. And he did with no further incident.
I filed my Letter of Ejection and the coach sat out the required number of games. What also came from it was that I was no longer permitted to referee at that school for almost 3 years in basketball... An official is a contractor was the reason cited... It was fine... And yet it was disappointing at the same time...
Getting scratched from a school like that would be a pleasure. There are more schools out there than I could possibly work, anyway.
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