JR...you just mentioned something that was said to me and has stuck with me since I was in High School.
I don't count my High School or College intramural officiating as years of experience...but way back when I did a Jr. High game as a High School player/student/official (The officials for that night didn't show for the 1st game) I was told something that has stuck with me.
The first game had just gotten over...and the "real" officials showed up.
One of the officials smiled and asked me how I did.
Before I could answer, some smart a$$ kid that had been running the clock said, "Oh, he missed one right over there"! (pointing towards the court)
That official stuck out his hand and said, "Son, let me shake your hand! If you only missed one...you are doing a heck of a lot better than I have ever, ever done"!
That statement shut the kid up on the clock, and as I was shaking this man's hand...I had a new admiration for these guys in stripes.