I know all that... let me try again to say what I was trying to say, plus add to it...
Point 1: Because of the 60 foot base lines (IMO) softball requires the player to start on the base. That is not true in baseball.
Point 2: Since there is no forcing back to the base in baseball for any reason, the comparison is apples and oranges.
Point 3: Since the base lines in softball are so short, the pitcher must take any runner seriously who is taking a lead between pitches, even if that runner is required by rule to return to the base before the pitch. The pitcher is not worried about a steal during the pitch (baseball style), but about a so-called delayed steal.
Point 4: This situation is a direct result of fast players and short base lines.
So, to answer the question, "why does fastpitch need a look-back rule and baseball does not?"
Answer: shorter base lines.