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Old Sun Jun 03, 2001, 06:18am
Steve M Steve M is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
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Seemed like a good heading for this topic. Anyway, I spent yesterday at a men's invitational and saw some pretty good ball - and some pretty bad ball. I've gotten to a point where my initial appearance is really good - uniform, polished shoes, blocked cap, .... And, I've gotten to where my mechanics are pretty crisp & precise. All this to say that looking right - uniform & mechanics - go a long way towards getting less grief on those plays that are bangers. I'll use 2 partners yesterday as an example. First is retired military (at least I think an Air force puke is military) and the other is a former world class Major level player. Uniform on the Air Force guy was pretty good & somewhat sloppy on the old player. Each made the correct call on the banger, but weren't emphatic andcaught some grief. I had several bangers throughout the day - plat & on bases - and the most I heard was "Damn, I'll bet you've been waiting all day just for the chance to do that thing." Just another of those reminders - When we look like we know exactly what we're doing, people assume that we do - until we prove them wrong.
Steve M
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