Thread: Jump Stop
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Old Thu Feb 03, 2005, 10:21am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Lotto
Here's the NCAA definition of jump stop, which was added to the rule book this year. All of these are legal.

Section 42. Jump Stop.

Art. 1. A jump stop is executed when a player catches the ball while moving or dribbling with:
a. One foot on the playing court, jumps off that foot and lands simultaneously on both feet (no pivot foot).
b. Two feet off the playing court, lands on one foot, jumps off that foot and lands simultaneously on both feet (no pivot foot).

Art. 2. A jump stop may also be executed when the dribbler has one foot on the playing court, initiates a jump off that foot, ends the dribble with both feet off the playing court and lands simultaneously on both feet (either foot can be established as the pivot foot).
The FED rule is the same.

So, if TWREF will indicate what kind of jump stop occurred in his (?) two plays, then the answers to the two questions will be answered.

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