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Old Fri Jun 01, 2001, 09:24am
Dan_ref Dan_ref is offline
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Re: My thoughts.

Originally posted by JRutledge
1. Show up on time.

2. Be willing to have a lengthy pre-game.

3. Communicate on the floor when necessary.

4. Put your ego aside and work as a teammate, not as an individual.

5. Pay attention to what is going on. Basically do not fall asleep on the court.

6. Do what you actually discussed during the pregame.

7. Communicate what happen in the first half and what the teams are doing or trying to do. Do not just BS during the halftime about how good the cheerleaders looked.

8. Do not be in a hurry to put the ball in play.

9. Do not sell out your partner to the coaches. Your partner(s) is the only friend you have

10. Hustle, hustle, and more hustle. Then hustle some more.

These were just off the top of my head but I hope that helps.
I really like this list! I would change #3 to say
"Communicate on the floor *always*". I would also
add an 11th commandment:

11. Love what you're doing! Once you stop enjoying your
time on the floor (which includes the players & coaches)
it is time to quit.
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