Thread: 0 or 00
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Old Wed Feb 02, 2005, 02:59am
Brad Brad is offline
Whack! Get Out!!!
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Location: Johnson City, TN
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Perhaps the only thing worse than reading this thead (even though I skipped pages 4-8) is posting to it. It's almost like the five car pile-up I saw on my way to work the other day: You don't want to look, but somehow you just can't help yourself.

First of all, a little history... The reason that the NFHS stopped allowing both 0 and 00 is not because it is the same number, but because computer software for statistics started becoming popular and, apparently, some of these software packages had problems allowing both 0 and 00. At least, that is the story that I heard. Or dreamt.

Regardless, the NFHS should just get rid of the 00 anyway. Does anyone actually think that the double zero is clever anymore? Really. It isn't even a real number - just something invented in Vegas to give the house a little better odds at Roulette.

Personally, I'm not worried about 00 vs 0. I probably wouldn't even notice it in the book and, if I did, I certainly wouldn't make an issue out of it (read: No T).

I do think that I may incorporate the double zero my game though. In the future, if the foul count happens to be 6-0 and the coach is b*tching about the foul count (I say "the coach" because it is universally apparent as to which coach was doing said b*tching), I may go over to the clock personnel and instruct them to make the foul count 6-00, just to make a point.
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