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Old Tue Feb 01, 2005, 04:12pm
joseph2493 joseph2493 is offline
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Originally posted by bigzilla
If by rule there can be no walk during a dribble, then is a carry (palming, etc) a double dribble? The rule says that a dribble ends when it is in the palm of the hand, which is what made me think the next dribble violated the double dribble.

Double Dribble in the following.

When the ball is at rest in the hand the first dribble ends when it leaves the hand and connects with the floor again it is a double dribble.

Traveling in the following.

When the ball comes to rest in the hand and the player lifts and replaces his/her pivot foot. (for it to be traveling the previous has to be done before the ball leaves the hand and connects with the floor)
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