Thread: 0 or 00
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Old Tue Feb 01, 2005, 02:25pm
gsf23 gsf23 is offline
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Posts: 566
All right, here goes.

The reason that both 0 and 00 are listed as legal numbers is that because it is common practice in sports to list Zero as either number. It is not common practice to put 01, 02, 03 and so on, on a jersey. That is why they are not listed as legal numbers.

The reason they both 0 and 00 cannot be in the game is because they are the same number, just like 3 and 03, it is just not commom practice to put 03 on a jersey. If it were, they both 0 and 03 would be listed as legal numbers and only one could be used because they are the same number.
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