The discussion about 0, 00, 4, 04 and legal numbers in general is interesting. Coming from a computer programmer's point of view, my perspective is perhaps a little different.
First of all, I would agree with everybody who has asserted that 0 and 00 are the same number (same with 4 and 04). They are mathematically equal and merely different representations. For any single number, there are an infinite number of representations. Not only can we get wild and whacky with the leading zeroes -- and this is where the arguement about $600 and $060 is flawed, leading zeroes do not change the value of a number, trailing zeroes before the decimal point do -- but propeller heads like myself often deal with numbers in entirely different bases. Computers only understand binary (base 2). Programmers chaffe at dealing with binary and use the more "convenient" hexadecimal when forced to deal with how computers represent numbers. For the uninitiated, hexadecimal is base 16 and uses digits 0-9 and A-F. We humans prefer decimal (base 10), probably because we can cheat and count on our fingers
The wording of the rule is technically ambiguous. It appears they've attempted to enumerate the set of all legal numbers. But a set, by strict definition, contains only a single instance of any member. Since they have included 0 and 00, they have included the same number twice. Perhaps what they really meant was to enumerate the set of all legal representations. If this is the case, then the inclusion of both 0 and 00 is valid. It would also mean that the representation 04 is illegal as it is not contained in the set of legal representations. But 04 is a legitimate number, and the rule uses the word number.
Since the wording is ambiguous, we cannot infer the rules committee's exact intent. But this much is clear, both 0 and 00 can legally appear on jerseys and a team cannot use both at the same time. Beyond that, we would be applying personal interpretation. And I'd hate to think we might be penalizing the kids based on something that is our own personal interpretation.
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those that understand binary, and those that do not.