Originally posted by bgtg19
Originally posted by tomegun
Originally posted by bgtg19
BktBallRef, thank you for delivering this irony. As you plead for "common sense" to prevail on the court, you insist on literal perfection on the discussion threads. I stand both corrected and entertained! :-)
That makes perfect sense since you must know the exact rule in order to apply common sense to it!
tomegun, perhaps I should be more transparent in the irony: "0" and "00" are the same, but "2.3" and "2-3" are not the same. In any event, what *you* said -- that one must know the rules to apply common sense to them -- does indeed make perfect sense!
I think you missed the biggest irony of all. If there were a 2.3, it wouldn't be a 2-3 situation. In other words, something that is spelled out in the case book is, in fact, covered by rule and therefore does not fall under the "elastic powers" of 2-3. Now that is entertaining irony