Thread: 0 or 00
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Old Tue Feb 01, 2005, 07:36am
xxssmen xxssmen is offline
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Posts: 56
applying the rules

I don't understand why some of u officials would call a "T" on a team for having 0 or 00. What is the advantage here it would just be more simple if u just inform the scorebook person to either add another 0 to match the uniform and explain why to them.
I would never "T" a team for having #00 when the book has #0 on them I would just ask the scorebook person to change it to match the uniform.

Tell me if am wrong here, most of u veteran officials know the rules pretty good and some of u guys probably have given younger official advice and the #1 advice I have heard from veteran officials is that basketball rules is pretty complicated at times so as a young official I was taught that knowing the rule is one thing but applying it is another, which I have learn how to apply certain situation.
Here is an example, if ur gonna "T" a team for having the #0 or #00 because the scorebook person don't know the different between #0 or #00 and most of these scorebook person are not train or certified to know the rules. So why not just have them corect it and go on with the game.
And for those officials say "T" them up cause thats what the rulebook say than My question is if ur gonna apply everyrule by the book than why the hell do most of u don't "T" up a coach who knows the rule about being seated at all time during the game unless he/she is cheering a good play.
I have seen many games in all levels and Refs have allow coaches to wonder the coaching box so if ur gonna play by the rules and "T" for scorebook error on a uniform than u should "T" the coach too when they are not seated during game time.
Thers alot of other situation that I can bring up where officials do not go by the book. So as a official I will apply the rules base on advantage/disadvantage and I see no advantage in giving a "T" for a roster error when it could be corrected by telling the scorebook person just to add another ) to the players name on the book so it can match the uniform.
If u need more situation let me know I can post up some more where I know most veteran officials will let go and not make certain calls even though the rule book may say different.

Remember knowing the rule is one thing but applying it is another so be consistant if ur gonna officiate by the rule book than do it.
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