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Old Tue Feb 01, 2005, 12:20am
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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Originally posted by TriggerMN
Like I said, if the referee is doing his job, there will be no number 04 in the book at the 10 minute mark, because NFHS rules do not allow 04 as a legal number. Therefore, the referee will have the coach correct it. If the coach refuses, it's a T for an illegal number.

Rule 2.4.5 states that one of the referee's duties is to verify with the coach that his team member's uniforms and equipment are legal. It doesn't say anything about the names. Numbers are required on ALL uniforms; names are not.
But 4 on the jersey is a legal number and the coach refuses to change 04 in the book to 4 so you T him up. I'd like to see that in the rule.

The player is playing with a legal number and we whack him because the number in the book is some how illegal and does not match the shirt. I would really like you to explain that to a coach who spent thousands of dollars on the scorekeeping software and then got it approved by the State Association that somehow he is illegal and anybody with single digits that on the compute show up with a 0something is illegal.

I am quoting NCAA here but it is similar to NFHS
---Section 3. Lineup
Art. 1. Before the 10-minute mark is reached on the game clock that iscounting down the time before the start of the game, each team shall supply the scorers with:
a. Names and uniform numbers of squad members who may par-ticipate,and those of the five starting players.

As I said before this is tanatamount to having a spelling mistake cause a T because for some reason the name is not right!
Lets whack them because I cant spell Coach K's last name! It has to be perfect. It says names have to be submitted, names dont have to be on the jerseys but the names have to be right since they have to match the player on the floor.

Does this mean that I have to have first and last name? Do I need only last one. Do I need middle initials?

The rule book says NAMES and numbers so it is plural... Does this mean the names of all the players who MAY participate? or does it mean multiple names of players players who MAY participate?

So then the next question is who is the one that grants the MAY particpate. Does each player walk up to the ref and ask? May I participate? and we say yes? or does that mean each poetntial player?

Like I said before where does the nonsense end?

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