Thread: 0 or 00
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Old Tue Feb 01, 2005, 12:11am
totalnewbie totalnewbie is offline
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Which goes back to my very first post on this thread:

It appears that the rule book contemplates that 0 and 00 are allowable but that no team may have both.

The question becomes: is the reason for "no 0 and 00" because the rules contemplate them as the same number?

If so, then there is no T since 0 and 00 are the same number.

If not, then the rules view them as different numbers and the player is not wearing a proper number as reflected in the book and its a T.
And subsequent analysis that one could argue the rules consider them different numbers.

This is a two step analysis and people just want to jump to the end. The steps are:

1. Is it a T?
--if yes, go to step 2; if no, you call nothing.
2. If a T, do you call it?
--this is the judgment part

You can have a discussion about step 1 even if you agree that at step 2 you wouldnt call it.

As for typographical errors, that is a different issue. Here Nevada's issue was 0 was on the roster provided, 0 is in the book. Not a typo. Not entered incorrectly. Not misspelled. And 00 is on the jersey.

Again, I am not saying call the T or not. I havent had this situation and am a newbie. But I like the discussion, particularly as to the judgment part of part 2.

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