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Old Mon Jan 31, 2005, 11:00pm
bigzilla bigzilla is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 93
Well, you apparently suffer from the same odd desire to analyze the event before it happens that I do. I will be driving along, lost in thought, and my wife will say "what case are you arguing?" And she is always right. She never says it and I happen to be daydreaming about vacation. Apparently I make odd facial jestures during my non-verbal delivery of the best darn closing arguments a jury has yet to hear.

As to basketball, I read posts on this board, look at the facts given, and think about what I would have done. And I tevo all the college games, and go back and watch the calls, rewatch the questionable ones in slo-mo, look for the positoning of the ref, etc. If he was wrong, why was he wrong? I look for reasons other than poor judgement, such as could he have been in a better position, did he get straightlined, did he call across the lane, out of his area, etc.? I would submit that it is more helpful to look at someone else's real game actions, and why they occurred, rather than to try to figure out what you would do in a situation that you imagine in your head. There are just too many variables that can't all be accounted for in an imaginary situation that coulda-woulda-shoulda played a part in your call in real life. So, I use other people's games to try to prepare for my own. I also try to get copies of my own games tapes and have someone critique me. Most teams will do this for you (around here anyway) if you provide them a blank tape and an SASE.
If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
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