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Old Mon Jan 31, 2005, 10:21pm
bigzilla bigzilla is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 93
You had posted while I was typing. As to finding personal parameters, I think that just comes with games and experience. Some things that I called my first year I would not call now. Some things I wouldn't have called my first year I would now. And I think it applies to every area..fouls, violations, game managment, player management, coaches interaction. It is no different than any other job you do in that way. The longer you do it, the more fine tuned you become, the more confident you are, both of which can lead to the more respect you will be given. I think any of the most experienced guys on this board would tell you that what and how they called their first years does not approach what and how they call ten years later.

When I am watching a college game on TV, and see a coach having an anuerism on the sideline, and the ref just calmly talking to him, it drives the point home for me. If that was happening to a first year ref, he would be either wetting himself or he would be hammering out the T's. And here is this ref looking like nothing at all is going wrong. A rookie couldn't manage a coach like that. That is experience, and there is no substitute.
If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
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