Thread: 0 or 00
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Old Mon Jan 31, 2005, 09:55pm
bigzilla bigzilla is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 93
I would not give a T. My reasoning can be found in what has been discussed as the "best quote" of the Violet article...paraphrased as best I can remember: within each black and white rule are a thousand shades of gray, and one can make a technically correct call and be totally unfair.

All night long you will use your judgement to determine what is and what is not a violation or foul. Some you will know are technically a violation, but you pass on it. From the time you take the is all judgement...discretion...the flow of the game...the style of the game. What a coach says at one point might result in a T, but saying the same thing at a different point would not. The only things black and white are the rules and our shirts. Enforcing them is not. My wife has a poster that says: "The rules are just ink on paper. Without us, they are easily bent and broken. We relish the challenge of using them to craft a game fairly played." That sums it up to me.

As I can see absolutely no way that the 0-00 number can be determined to be an advantage or disadvantage to the teams, nor can it have an impact on the outcome of the game (unless I make it possible by calling a T) I see no violation, and I call no T.
If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
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