Originally posted by Smitty
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but the problem rears its ugly head when, later on in the game, a player for the other team does something similar, or slightly worse, then you have set a precedent with a warning "look", so does that mean you owe this team a warning "look" as well? You paint yourself, and possibly your partner, into a corner with warnings sometimes. [/B]
Agreed smitty, but I, and most of the partners I work with, have no problem granting the same amnesty to the other side once as well. After that, nobody can complain when we start taking care of a problem that the players and coaches couldn't fix themselves. I think the problem would start if either side continued to do silly stuff after getting the free pass and we continued to issue the stern warnings. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.