Originally posted by RookieDude
In basketball terms you could say 4 is a symbol and 0 is a symbol. 44 is another symbol and 00 is yet another. Therefore, you would be correct.
In real life 4 is a number and 0 is a number. (Mathmaticians have at it, as to weather they are whole numbers, odd, even, proper, etc.)
I work at a university. I believe that I have heard the chair of our mathematics department say something to the following effect: Numbers are merely symbols; they are symbols of values. Thus, in "real life," as well as in "basketball terms," one could say that "0" and "00" represent the same thing of value (in the case of a basketball team, a team member eligible to become a Player). Accordingly, the scenario here does not merit a T from me.
I think, however, that Attorney totalnewbie is absolutely correct about the list of eligible numbers/symbols. This may be a case where both crowds -- to T and not to T -- are within their appopriate 2.3 powers to rule.
Whatever the resolution, I agree that it is a good practice to inform the coach/team/scorer of the discrepency so that they can correct the situation so that it doesn't happen again and therefore confront officials who have not had the luxury, nay the honor, of thinking about this issue after reading this discussion thread....