DG and mbyron, your argument is circular and not logical. There is nothing in the rules prohibiting a runner from correctly performing his baserunning duties after a third out has been made, and there is no place in the rulebook where it states that a baserunner cannot continue to run his bases legally (whether forward or backward) in order to prevent an advantageous out.
You seem to understand that it's absurd to not allow the Batter-runner to complete his responsibility for running to first base to avoid a 4th out. However, the rules you are using to deny a runner who has missed a base also, if taken alone (as you are doing) prevent the BR from doing just that.
Then you make a spurious claim that the BR can continue, but not another runner (again, without basis).
So, according to your logic, you would allow a 4th out in this sitch:
Bases loaded, 2 out, full count. Runners moving, but R2 got a huge jump and is motoring. Grounder to short - R1 assumes he's out and slows. SS sees R2 motoring around third and mistakenly fires home to get him out, after R3 had legally scored. R1 and BR have not yet reached their bases when R2 is tagged out at home.
I think we would all agree that common sense tells us R1 and BR can continue to their bases.
But by the rules you've quoted, tangled, and misused, the inning is over and R1 CANNOT continue to 2nd --- and even if he does, for some reason, defense is allowed to appeal him at 2nd. That's absurd, but your "logic" tells us it's true.
I believe you are misusing a rule that is intended for solely administrative purposes (i.e. game time limits, managerial pitcher visits, etc) that tells us the half-inning is over when the 3rd out is made. Then you say an exception is made (without citing the book telling us this) ONLY for the defense and ONLY so that they can get an advantageous 4th out, yet deny offense an exception on that very same play. Do you intend to tell us that at this point in time we have 2 defenses? Again, absurd.
It is clear when the defense becomes the offense. That is the moment that the offense becomes the defense.