Thread: 0 or 00
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Old Mon Jan 31, 2005, 01:49pm
OverAndBack OverAndBack is offline
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My non-varsity opinion is probably meaningless here, since I've done two freshman games this year where teams have had as many as two pairs of players with the same number (due to a mixing of Freshman A and B players). We just talk about it beforehand and ask the coach not to put them on the floor at the same time and then we hope they don't foul or it's so late in the game that it doesn't matter.

But if there's a 0 and a 00 (or one in the book and the other on the jersey), you ain't seeing a tech from me. I'm going to look to the ceiling and whistle a happy tune as I walk to the center circle with the ball and if someone else wants to call it, well knock yourself out.

Again, non-varsity opinion.
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