Thread: Coach to Coach
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Old Tue May 29, 2001, 03:27pm
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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I agree that there should be no running dialogues between coaches. or anything else...

I saw a game from the stands last year where it was obvious that the coach wanted the T, the coach was wandering someplace between the midcourt and baseline. On one play he way almost at the baseline yelling at the official. The official did not have enough guts to whap him up so he was wanderingt o mid court "coaching" players. The other coaching staff started in with him because he was in front of table, complaining, and they had a pretty good discussion going. The two officials on the floor never saw this (or if they did they did not care). If the first coach would have got the T, this would not have happened. so the morale of the story T first ask questions later!
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