Originally posted by RecRef
Originally posted by dblref
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Yep, double fouls seem to be somewhat confusing to most scorers.
But at least they don't yell, "Call it both ways!"
Had a VG coach tell me this last night as I reported a double foul. I just looked at her and shook my head. This game was a actually a really good game - went to double O/T and came within a "cat's whisker" of being triple O/T. Guess if Padgett had been one of my partners, it would not have gone to the first O/T. 
Where were you?
Episcopal. They hosted Stone Ridge. This was ISL stuff. The interesting thing is the visiting coach was an alumnus of Stone Ridge and then she played 4 years at Ct. He** of a hs player.
Haven't seen you for a while. Busy season?