Originally posted by Dakota
... the DH in baseball,... is why I will no longer pay to see a MLB game.
I know I shortened your post to be out of context, but I just wanted to say...
You have a lot more against MLB than just the DH rule!
Out of context! Damn, you just as well have quoted War and Peace for as much sense as it makes.
I will not pay to see MLB games because I have a problem with:
Expected adoration
Demand of money for autographs
Lack of "team"
Prima Donnas who are paid millions and still use excuses for failure to perform that are not even accepted at the LL level.
Demand of money for autographs
Expected adoration
Ticket prices
Parking prices
Expected adoration
Concession prices
Expected adoration
Demand of money for autographs
BTW, isn't one of the boys of summer of Texas a good ol' boy from Delaware? He seems to be one of the nicer guys around, and yes, there are a few of them, but the bigheaded, "I love me" monsters give them a bad rep.
Any other questions about my love for the game?
Did I mention the exhorbitant salaries?