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Old Fri Jan 28, 2005, 03:00pm
David Emerling David Emerling is offline
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Location: Germantown, TN (east of Memphis)
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Originally posted by Chess Ref
WOW !!!!! i am going to be a 1st year umpire this year and I am just thrilled to use one of those ball/strike indicators. And hoping I don't screw that up.
Chess Ref,

You're a new umpire.

Go through Emily's Power Point presentation and see if you can work through the following scenario.

SITUATION: A team starts with 10 players. Donna is the DP, batting 3rd, and Felicity is the FLEX, in the 10th spot. Felicity happens to be playing 2nd base.

As the game proceeds, Felicity is removed as Susan replaces her at 2nd base. That makes Susan the new FLEX. Pretty straight forward.

Eventually, Susan bats for Donna. The FLEX can bat for the DP. Still, straight forward.

When the 3rd spot in the lineup comes up again, the coach decides to re-enter Felicity to bat for Susan.

Question: Is this a legal re-entry for Felicity? If so, can Felicity ever resume her previous role as FLEX and return to the 10th spot?

Does it help you to know that DP and FLEX are "merely positions?"

Keep in mind, Emily's Power Point presentation says, "Once a player is listed in a slot 1-10, that is the only slot she can ever be in. That player LIVES in that slot. It is where she enters & leaves the game. It is the only slot a sub for a player can enter the game."

Does that aspect of Emily's explanation help you?

Is that really true -or- with regard to DP/FLEX, is that explanation extremely misleading?

Do you think if a coach sat in on that presentation that he might walk away with a serious misconception regarding the DP/FLEX rule?

David Emerling
Memphis, TN
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